In 1987, state officer Glynis Holm Strauss conceived the idea to establish a Texas Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Foundation (TFBPW Foundation). Then Legal Advisor Hermine Tobolowsky, in a letter dated November 21, 1987, approved the concept. Eleanor Clark of Mexia BPW prepared a proposal that was approved by convention delegates at the 1989 State Convention in Fort Worth. A committee was appointed to develop bylaws consisting of Linda Johnson, Chairman, Hermine Tobolowsky, Legal Advisory, Myra Schmitt, liaison, and members Geraldine R. Eidson, Loretta M. King, Eleanor Clark, and Joan Tingler-Boyd.
The bylaws were approved at the 1990 State Convention in Corpus Christi, TX where Glynis Holm Strauss presided as President, thereby seeing her dream become a reality. The entire text of the TFBPW Foundation Bylaws was printed in the May-June 1990 issue of Texas Woman, and subsequently became a part of the BPW/Texas Bylaws.
At the July 1990 National Convention in Charlotte, NC, Chairman Linda Johnson, President Loretta King, President-elect Donna Lorance and Eleanor Clark were witnesses to the signing of the Articles of Incorporation by Mr. James Agnor.
Eleanor Clark of Mexia BPW prepared the necessary documents for non-profit corporate status with the Secretary of State, as well as the Internal Revenue Service filings to obtain a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. The Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Secretary of the State of Texas on August 16, 1990 with the incorporators listed as Loretta M. King, President, Donna Lorance, Vice President, and Linda Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer. The IRS Application for temporary tax-exempt status (501 (c)(3)) was approved on August 23, 1991.
The River City BPW Club of San Antonio provided the “seed” money to the foundation by donating the $1,000 proceeds from a special fundraiser honoring their Woman of the Year, Mary Esther Hernandez.
The TFBPW Foundation’s tax-exempt status (501(c)(3)) provides an “umbrella” for tax-deductible contributions to both the unrestricted fund as well as the restricted funds such as the Chloe Monroe MD Anderson Fund, the Gilda Murray Scholarship Fund, the Hermine Dalkowitz Tobolowsky Scholarship Fund, etc.
On February 16, 1991, at the Adams Mark Hotel in Houston, the following terms of office for the Trustees were established: Geraldine Eidson and Linda Conway — three years; Hermine Tobolowsky, Joan Tingler-Boyd, and Donna Lorance — two years; Linda Johnson and Loretta King — one year. The officers were elected as follows: Chairman – Geraldine Eidson, Treasurer – Joan Tingler-Boyd, and Secretary – Loretta King.
At a Board of Trustees meeting held August 29-30, 1992, a “Three Tier” level of Undesignated Contributions was established with the Banner of Charter Designation through June 30, 1993. The levels were: 1) Charter Pillar – $1000 and over; 2) Charter Patron – $500-999.99; 3) Charter Leader – $250-499.99.
In 2001-2002, a “Gem of a Fundraiser” was launched to bring additional unrestricted funds into the TFBPW Foundation. The campaign marked the adoption of the Foundation’s emblem jewelry pin. The pin’s designers chose to retain the pillar and added a gemstone of various types, with each signifying a specified contribution level. The pillar and gemstone were enclosed in a circle and all were set on a circular gold lapel pin.
In 2009 the Foundation’s name was formally changed to the Texas Business and Professional Women’s Foundation (TBPWF).
The general purposes of the Foundation are to carry on educational, literacy, scientific and charitable purposes with specifics mentioned in the bylaws. Contributions to the Foundation and the restricted funds are made payable to the Texas BPW Foundation. Contributions to restricted funds should be designated as such on the face of the check. All contributions should be mailed to the treasurer for the Foundation.
The Foundation’s association with the M. D. Anderson Hospital began with the predecessor organization, the Texas Federation of Business and Professional Women, in 1941 when the Texas Legislature approved a bill calling for the establishment of a state cancer hospital and research institute.
In 1949, BPW urged passage of State Legislation to appropriate funds for atomic energy-radiological facilities at the Hospital’s permanent site in the Texas Medical Center in Houston.
In 1950, Past State President Dora Davis represented the Texas Federation at the groundbreaking ceremonies using a silver spade to turn the first spade of dirt. The silver spade was donated to the Federation and now is displayed in the State Executive Office.
Initially funded by a donation from BPW Dallas, Inc. Charitable Trust, the fund was established in memory of Hermine Tobolowsky, the author of the Texas Equal Legal Rights Act and considered by many as the “Mother of ERA.”
Established in 1995 from seed monies provided by Dallas, Inc. BPW, the scholarship financially assists women of academic achievement desiring to enter the profession of Law, Public Service, Government, Political Science or Women’s History.
Initially funded by a donation from the Garland BPW, the Fund was established in memory of Gilda Murray, 1992-1993 BPW/Texas State President.
Established in 1998, the scholarship is to financially assist a BPW (now TBW) member in obtaining the education or training necessary to prepare for employment or to advance in a business or profession.
Provides financial assistance in promoting medical education for women and named for Dr. Maffett was the first BPW/Texas President and a BPW/USA President.